
I have problem with policy routing. My infrastructure looks like: 2 firewalls with carp failover, Internet obtained from ISP via 3 different VLANs.

Simple schema looks like:

             /-VLAN A - CARP A --\
(WAN)---BGE0---VLAN B - CARP B ---BGE1 (LAN)
             \-VLAN C - CARP C --/

I've received 3 VLANs with different addressation:

VLAN A: A.A.A.A/30 with A.A.A.B gw
VLAN B: B.B.B.B/30 with B.B.B.C gw
VLAN C: C.C.C.C/30 with C.C.C.D gw

Default route goes through VLAN A. I'd like to move traffic that came via VLAN B were returned via VLAN B (and the same to VLAN C), and some specific hosts from LAN were passed via VLAN C.

My PF rules looks like:

nat on vlanA inet from $LAN to any -> A.A.A.A
nat on vlanB inet all -> B.B.B.B
nat on vlanC inet all -> C.C.C.C

rdr pass on vlanB inet proto tcp from any to B.B.B.B port = 2233 -> $LANHOST3 port 22

rdr pass on vlanC inet proto tcp from any to C.C.C.C port = 333 -> $LANHOST4 port 22

rdr pass on vlanA inet proto tcp from any to A.A.A.A port = www -> $LANHOST1 port 80


pass out all keep state

pass in quick on vlanB reply-to (vlanB vlanB_gw) inet proto tcp from any to $LANHOST3

pass in quick on vlanC reply-to (vlanC vlanC_gw) inet proto tcp from any to $LANHOST4

block drop in quick on bge0 all

Traffic that comes through via VLAN B or VLAN C reaches host in local network but return traffic goes via default route and not via originating vlan. I have tested solution from PF FAQ and there is same result. I don't want to load balance connections. Have anyone had similar problem and solved it ?

Best regards,
Paweł Sieradz

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