Hello, everyone!

I'm not sure, if it is the good forum or not where I can
post my problem, but I hope there is some people who met
similar problems or have some good instructions as a
solution. Sorry for a long letter.
Till know I used Internet with ADSL, and an OpenBSD firewall
separated my local network from the Internet. I used
userland pppoe for two years, and it worked without any
problem. Soon after upgrading to 4.0 and working for 1-2
days it doesn't want to connect with OpenBSD any longer. I
didn't understand, I could access the firewall with ssh, the
rules didn't change, the former config files didn't change,
just an upgrade. I tried with a differen HDD with former 3.9
version, but it won't work. First I thought, there might be
any problem with ethernet card, so I changed all of them for
new ones, but the problem was the same. I think my ADSL
modem works well, because when I tried to connect with pppoe
under WinXP, I could access the Internet without any
problems, and the connection didn't break. Maybe my ISP
changed a technical parameter at the other side of the
connection, and this is the reason for not to be able to
connect to OpenBSD userland pppoe. I started to log my
attempts to connect, and in the log file I saw, that the
connection is thrown after 1/2 or 1 minute, and it starts to
build a new connection. It is built after 1-2 minutes, then
I have a normal connection for 1/2 minutes, and then the
whole action begins again. I tried to ping DNS names and it
worked (nameservers are good), and I saw there when the
connection broke down. 
If I try to open any webpages from my firewall with lynx,
but the process broke at the middle of the action.
Yesterday I tried the kernel pppoe driver, and much to my
surprise, it worked with OpenBSD, there wasn't any problem.
But the NAT won't work with kernel pppoe driver because of
the difference of MTU(1500-ethernet/1492-ADSL), and I
coudn't access the Internet from the local network. I
rewrite the pf.conf according the pppoe(4) manual, and the
MTU of the ethernet cards with ifconfig, but NAT didn't work. 
I could ping from the local network my public IP got from my
ISP, but nothing more.

The formerly used ppp.conf:

set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
set redial 15 0
set reconnect 15 10000

set device "!/usr/sbin/pppoe -i rl0"
disable acfcomp protocomp
deny acfcomp
set mtu max 1492
set mru max 1492
set speed sync
enable lqr
set lqrperiod 5
set cd 5
set dial
set login
set timeout 0
set authname ********
set authkey ********
add! default HISADDR
enable dns
enable mssfixup

This config file is in most tutorials, and it was usable
till now. If anybody could help me, I would send him the
ppp.log, it's too big to send it here.
My questions:
1. Does anybody have any idea, what could happen, that I
can't use the net with userland pppoe, or what should I
modify in ppp.conf ?
2. How could I solve to use NAT with kernel ppoe with
private network and to be able to access Internet? I mean
any MTU setting in pf.conf or NIC settings.

The ADSL modem I'm using is a Dialcom, the ethernet cards
are  Realtek8139D and SMC-1255TX.
Formerly I used the Realtek, and later a tried SMC, but it
didn't help. So, the modem works well, and it doesn't matter
which version of OpenBSD I use(4.0 or 3.9)

Thanks for all your help.

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