Hi all

I've very strange problem

I've FreeBSD box running pf with 3 NIC, one on each different subnet (all
public), I'm using ipfw for making a router. I want use pf now

I've using keep state option of all my rules but it's seem not working.

With keep state option I've got a dynamic rule on pfctl but it's in wrong

It's a problem with FreeBSD or it's with pf ?

For example I've put this kind of rule

        pass in on $first-nic proto tcp from IP-A to IP-B port 22 keep state

When I try to connect from IP-A to IP-B using ssh the connection don't
work. And I've got 

self tcp IP-B:22 <- IP-A:56906       CLOSED:SYN_SENT
self tcp IP-B:22 <- IP-A:59496       CLOSED:SYN_SENT

in my pfctl -s state

and got deny for outgoing packet from IP-B to IP-A

On my old FreeBSD I'm using something like

        ipfw add permit any to any established.

How can I do that on pf.

Albert SHIH
Universite de Paris 7 (Denis DIDEROT)
U.F.R. de Mathematiques.
7 ième étage, plateau D, bureau 10
Heure local/Local time:
Wed Dec 13 17:44:00 CET 2006

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