On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 01:11:11PM +0100, Axel Rau wrote:

> I'm still hunting loose state matches.
> After converting all none-protocol-specific "keep state" to either
>       flags S/SAFR keep state
> or
>       flags S/SAFR synproxy state
> , I'm still getting lots of warning like this one:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dec 14 11:16:47 pf: loose state match: TCP \
> aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:25 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:25 \
> [lo=3396551343 high=3396616878 win=5840 modulator=874376751] \
> [lo=3752913744 high=3752919543 win=65535 modulator=3189448930] \
>   9:9 R seq=3396551343 ack=3752913744 len=0 ackskew=0 pkts=8:10

For RSTs, the sequence number in the packet must match a value
precisely, I suspect this is not the case here. Unfortunately, what is
logged is not the actual sequence number of the packet.

Try to capture one such connection with tcpdump -nvvvS, from initial SYN
to the blocked RST, only consisting of packets that match this

I suspect the sender of the RST is incrementing the sequence number in
the RST inappropriately, or such. Hard to tell without a trace.


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