Johan Allard wrote:
Hi there,

I just managed to get a kernel dump on a basic clean installed OpenBSD 4.0 with the following settings:

ifconfig lo1 create
ifconfig lo1 inet netmask

echo "pass in on ne3 dup-to (lo1 inet all keep state" > /etc/pf.conf

pfctl -e
pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

and the first packet coming in on ne3 will cause a kernel dump, see attached screenshot.


I was trying to create a firewall with snort listening on lo1 and copying the packets I want it to inspect to lo1, no external promiscuos listeners or anything.

any idea why this caused this panic?



If the panic message is 'multiply freed items' or something of the sort then you hit the same bug than me. What version are you running (uname -a).
It is fixed in -current.

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