
I've managed to configure pf to load balance two pppoe connections. I created a rule like this to balance the outgoing connections coming from the very same firewall, as I have a squid running on it, and I would like the load to be distributed:

pass out log on $if_inet_1 route-to { ($if_inet_1 $gw_inet_1), ($if_inet_2 $gw_inet_2) } sticky-address round-robin from any to $net_inet keep state (if-bound)

This works nicely, but I have one problem: it seems like pf is deciding to use only one of the connections for the firewall. If I remove the sticky-address part, balancing starts working, but I'm afraid some things may stop working as well, such as HTTPS. I think that it has to do with sticky-address using the source ip to decide where to route when using round robin, but not the destination ip.

Is that right?

Do you have any recommendation to work this out?


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