On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 04:50:10AM +0000, John wrote:
> ...What i'd like is to
> allow max 2 failures from one IP in 30 seconds, if more than that write
> to /etc/shitlist.txt which, if the connecting IP is found in there, logs
> and silently drops the connection. Can pf do this?

Yes, it can do this, depending on your release/version.  Here is an
example of 3 attempts in 30 seconds which places the IP address into
an "ssh-attackers" table, and flushes all existing states for that IP from
the state table:

  pass in proto tcp from any to any port ssh \
          keep state (max-src-conn-rate 3/30, \
          overload <ssh-attackers> flush global)

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