Look at sysctl net.inet.ip.ifq, bump maxlen until drops stops
increasing. I'd try 250 for starters.

On 2007/07/07 08:47, Jeff Santos wrote:
> Hi,
> It would help if someone with more experience with PF
> could help me to interpret some of those statistics
> shown with pfctl -si:
>  Packets In
>     Passed                     46837573                0
>     Blocked                     3024000               98
>   Packets Out
>     Passed                     36144287                1
>     Blocked                        4502                0
> Counters
>   match                         6355599           62.8/s
>   bad-offset                          0            0.0/s
>   fragment                           22            0.0/s
>   short                               2            0.0/s
>   normalize                           6            0.0/s
>   memory                        3050088           30.1/s
>   bad-timestamp                       0            0.0/s
>   congestion                      17968            0.2/s
>   ip-option                           3            0.0/s
>   proto-cksum                      1697            0.0/s
>   state-mismatch                  17276            0.2/s
>   state-insert                        0            0.0/s
>   state-limit                         0            0.0/s
>   src-limit                           0            0.0/s
>   synproxy                         8130            0.1/s
> I am specially interested in learning something about the
> memory, congestion, proto-cksum and state-mismatch lines.

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