I take it from the silence that the answer is that pf lacks this
functionality at the moment.  Bother :) 

What would the overhead be of setting up  a queue for every source
address (1024 of them) ?  Will this impact performance?


Russell Fulton wrote:
> Thanks for your response Paul (and Andrew).
> I had read this doc and if this is straight forward then I am clearly
> missing something (it would not be the first time ;).  I can't see how
> to get individual child queues, each of 128Kbps for each active IP
> address on the inside with out defining them all in the pf.conf (in this
> case 1024 child queues).  All the examples show static assignment of
> address blocks or ports to predefined queues.
> what we want to do is to allow throttled access to the Internet from our
> wireless network while allowing full speed access to the campus
> network.  And we want the throttling to be on a per user basis not on an
> aggregate basis.
> ipfw does this by having a (src|dst)mask parameter which essentially
> creates a new queue for each unique value of the address & mask.

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