On Feb 8, 2008, at 9:03 AM, Steven Surdock wrote:

Kelley Reynolds wrote:
On Feb 8, 2008, at 1:42 AM, Rajkumar S. wrote:

I have an application where I use tcp_outgoing_address in squid to
specify multiple outbound interfaces depending on the src
address .. I
haven't used it as strictly a load-balance option but you should be
able to specify the tcp_outgoing_address as an internal IP and then
use the normal load-balance features of PF as the connections go
outbound. Check this thread at

I suspect that won't NAT either and you would end up with packets
leaving the external interface with internal addresses.  Please let us
know if you try it! It seems to use the tcp_outgoing_address you would
have to ensure the IP address selected matched the outbound interface,
but then how do you load balance?

I think the idea was that after it was sent to squid and sent to an internal address, you would then NAT it as if it were any old incoming connection and load-balance it through normal outbound balancing mechanisms. Whether or not it would treat the traffic coming out of squid as inbound on int_if is an unknown (to me) but if it did, then you should be able to just round-robin it normally

Kelley Reynolds
Inside Systems, Inc.

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