
Just a quick correction on the "bandwidth 80%" lines. Change all bandwidth
values to percentages or hard values to make it easier to work with. The
bandwidth directives can not exceed 100% of the "altq on $ext_if bandwidth

 Calomel @
 Open Source Research and Reference

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:24:41PM -0500, Calomel wrote:
>HFSC should work for this task. I will give it a go.
>Since we are really concerned about the external interface lets just setup
>that queue. The internal interface is probably 100MB or faster so and it
>fast enough to not worry about right now.
>First, do you have a 10MB link from the outside interface to your ISP? If
>not, we need to set it to the proper number. If you tell HFSC to use more
>bandwidth than you really have then you are negating HFSC in practice.
>When we have the proper upload bandwidth to your ISP then we need to choose
>an acceptable bandwidth just under it. 97% of the total is a rough idea of
>what you are looking for. We want to make sure that our firewall is
>queuing the packets and _not_ the upstream router. If we are sending
>data faster than an upstream router can handle then they are queue, not
>HFSC. We want to avoid upstream queuing at all costs.
>These are the rules I came up with. Brief explanations follow:
>#Total Upload = 10000Kb/s (queue at 97%)
>altq on $ext_if bandwidth 9700kb hfsc queue { ack, us, adsl_up, sdsl_up, 
>default_up }
> queue ack        bandwidth 80% priority 7 hfsc (realtime 5%)
> queue us         bandwidth 80% priority 6 hfsc (realtime 5%)
> queue adsl_up    bandwidth 256Kb priority 5 hfsc (realtime 128Kb upperlimit 
> 256Kb) { adsl_client1_up, adsl_client2_up }
>  queue adsl_client1_up bandwidth 12Kb priority 2 hfsc(realtime  12Kb )
>  queue adsl_client2_up bandwidth 12Kb priority 1 hfsc(realtime  12Kb )
> queue sdsl_up    bandwidth 2048Kb priority 4 hfsc(realtime 512Kb upperlimit 
> 2048Kb) { sdsl_client1_up, sdsl_client2_up }
>  queue sdsl_client1_up bandwidth 100Kb priority 2 hfsc(realtime  12Kb )
>  queue sdsl_client2_up bandwidth 100Kb priority 1 hfsc(realtime  12Kb )
> queue default_up bandwidth  1% priority 3 hfsc (realtime 5% default)
>The "ack" rule is for ACKnowlage packets that need to have the highest
>priority. This is also explained at 
>The "us" queue is for your company. since you pay for the connection you get
>higher priority and more bandwidth including the ability to share all unused
>The "adsl_up" is for your adsl clients. They are guarantees 128Kb, but no
>more than 256Kb. Each adsl client is guaranteed 12Kb and they each share
>bandwidth up to 256Kb total.
>The "sdsl_up" queue is for sdsl clients. They are guarantees 512Kb, but no
>more than 2048Kb. Each sdsl client is guaranteed 12Kb and they each share
>bandwidth up to 2048Kb total.
>The "default_up" is for any rule that does not fit into the queues above.
>They will get lowest priority and at least 5% of the total bandwidth.
>To apply the queues to a rule just add "queue (us, ack)" for your company's
>pass rules or "queue (adsl_client1_up)" for your first adsl client. Notice
>I did not put "ack" in the adsl client. We want to limit adsl clients to
>256Kb and not give them more bandwidth from the "ack" queue.
>Hope this helps. I have not tested these rules, but they should work. If
>you have more questions or if it works then we would be interested in
>hearing from you.
>Hierarchical Fair Service Curve (HFSC) of OpenBSD
> Calomel @
> Open Source Research and Reference
>On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 03:23:18PM +0000, Richard Wilson wrote:
>>Hullo all.
>>Despite searching both this and the misc@ lists, and porting to misc@
>>and getting useful responses that I should look at
>> and
>> (which I did) I am still failing
>>spectacularly to understand how to properly do HFSC.
>>Having previously posted asking 'How do I do this?' I though perhaps I
>>would get better answers if I tried 'This is what I've tried, what am I
>>doing wrong?'.
>>What I'm trying to do:
>>We have a leased line for hosting our servers. We don't use anywhere
>>near that much, so we resell the spare capacity to other tenants in our
>>building, providing a {A,S}DSL-like service. In our setup, this means
>>that we have pools of 20 clients, who then contend for the bandwidth
>>allocated to that pool. ADSL-alike gets 2Mb down and 256Kb up, SDSL gets
>>2Mb both ways.
>>At the moment, we are on an old setup, from before I'd heard of HFSC.
>>There is a single pair of rules for each pool, and all clients in that
>>pool get their up- and downstream traffic assigned to those queues. This
>>sucks, because if any one client tries to whore over their connection,
>>they can take up the entire allocation for their pool.
>>Instead, I would like to have it so that each client has their own
>>queue, which is guaranteed their 20th of the bandwidth, and then
>>contends with the other clients in their pool for the remaining 19
>>20ths. Below is my initial attempt at the queue definitions:
>># Queueing
>>altq on $ext_if bandwidth 9.7Mb hfsc(linkshare 9.7Mb upperlimit 9.7Mb) queue 
>>{ adsl_up, sdsl_up, default_up }
>>altq on $int_if bandwidth 9.7Mb hfsc(linkshare 9.7Mb upperlimit 9.7Mb) queue 
>>{ adsl_dn, sdsl_dn, default_dn }
>># All numbers set the same, because that's how the Hednod example had.
>>Not sure why.
>>queue adsl_up bandwidth  256Kb hfsc(realtime 128Kb linkshare  256Kb) { 
>>adsl_client1_up, adsl_client2_up }
>>queue adsl_dn bandwidth 2048Kb hfsc(realtime 512Kb linkshare 2048Kb) { 
>>adsl_client1_dn, adsl_client2_dn }
>>queue sdsl_up bandwidth 2048Kb hfsc(realtime 512Kb linkshare 2048Kb) { 
>>sdsl_client1_up, sdsl_client2_up }
>>queue sdsl_dn bandwidth 2048Kb hfsc(realtime 512Kb linkshare 2048Kb) { 
>>sdsl_client1_dn, sdsl_client2_dn }
>># (Not sure if the realtime bit is needed...)
>># Not sure how to do this bit at all in fact.
>># Want it so that each pool can take up to 2Mb, but if they're not using
>>it, its available to default.
>># ADSL
>># Clients get a guaranteed 1/20th of the bandwidth, and fight with their
>>#  over the remaining 19/20th.
>># 256/20=12, 2048/20=102 (rounded to whole Kb)
>>queue adsl_client1_up bandwidth   12Kb hfsc(realtime  12Kb linkshare  256Kb)
>>queue adsl_client1_dn bandwidth  100Kb hfsc(realtime 100Kb linkshare 2048Kb)
>>queue adsl_client2_up bandwidth   12Kb hfsc(realtime  12Kb linkshare  256Kb)
>>queue adsl_client2_dn bandwidth  100Kb hfsc(realtime 100Kb linkshare 2048Kb)
>># SDSL
>># Clients get a guaranteed 1/20th of the bandwidth, and fight with their
>>#  over the remaining 19/20th.
>># 2048/20=102 (rounded to whole Kb)
>>queue sdsl_client1_up bandwidth 100Kb hfsc(realtime  12Kb linkshare  256Kb)
>>queue sdsl_client1_dn bandwidth 100Kb hfsc(realtime 100Kb linkshare 2048Kb)
>>queue sdsl_client2_up bandwidth 100Kb hfsc(realtime  12Kb linkshare  256Kb)
>>queue sdsl_client2_dn bandwidth 100Kb hfsc(realtime 100Kb linkshare 2048Kb)
>># Misc
>># non-DSL stuff gets whatever is left over
>># Default priority is 7, so make this have a lower priority
>>queue default_up bandwidth 2Mb priority 5 hfsc(default realtime 1Mb
>>linkshare 9Mb)
>>queue default_dn bandwidth 2Mb priority 5 hfsc(default realtime 1Mb
>>linkshare 9Mb)
>>I initially tried with the bandwidth argument set to the 2Mb/256Kb size,
>>thinking that this represented a maximum, but then pf complained that
>>the subqueues added up to more than the parent, so I tried this.
>>However, this way I still get:
>>claudas:~# pfctl -nf
>>pfctl: linkshare sc exceeds parent's sc
>>/etc/pf.conf:36: errors in queue definition
>>pfctl: linkshare sc exceeds parent's sc
>>/etc/pf.conf:37: errors in queue definition
>>pfctl: linkshare sc exceeds parent's sc
>>/etc/pf.conf:46: errors in queue definition
>>pfctl: linkshare sc exceeds parent's sc
>>/etc/pf.conf:51: errors in queue definition
>>pfctl: linkshare sc exceeds parent's sc
>>/etc/pf.conf:52: errors in queue definition
>>claudas:~# uname -a
>>OpenBSD claudas 4.2 GENERIC#1 amd64
>>I know I have misunderstood how the numbers work, but I just don't know
>>how to make it all fit.
>>For those of you who have made it this far, I thank you.
>>Any ideas?
>>(Si1ent)Dave Wilson

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