I'm working on an OpenBSD pf ruleset where I've got the external interface 
aliasing four additional public IP addresses, but am having problems pinging 
the aliased IP addresses.

example addresses: x.y.z.a (firewall), x.y.z.b, x.y.z.c, x.y.z.d, x.y.z.e

>From the outside, I am able to ping the firewall and get replies, but get the 
>following on the aliased addresses.

Reply from x.y.z.e: Destination port unreachable.

Here is an example binat line in my pf.conf file.

binat on $ext_if from $server_int to any -> $server_ext

I am wondering if since I didn't specify inet tcp or icmp if that's why it's 
not redirecting the packets correctly. Let me know.


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