On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 6:23 PM, Josh Berkus <j...@berkus.org> wrote:

> Folks,
> Installing pgadmin-for-web is painful, poorly documented, and broken.
> As a result, it's not considered a real UI by anyone not on this team.

Have you re-read the docs since I told you some time back that I was
updating them? As far as I can see they cover every step now, in detail.


Setting up in server mode by following those docs takes just a few minutes.

> Six months ago, I jumped on this with the goal of solving it, partly
> through use of linux containers.  However, I'm full stop because of the
> emphasis on (a) having only one package which is both desktop and web,
> and (b) treating the web version as the ugly stepchild.

It's not an ugly step-child - it's a non-default configuration because the
majority of users use desktop mode. There's a big difference.

> See: https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/2495#change-7635

Right - your suggestion there was reverted because it became quickly clear
that it broke the default desktop mode.

> If you read the conversation on pgsql-advocacy, for example, you'll see
> that even people in our own community regard pgAdmin4 as not production
> quality software.

Yes - and in every case I'm aware of, that is either because of a Qt
performance issue on Windows which is now resolved, or because the reported
considered that it needed a particular feature for their use-case (the
majority of which have now been implemented anyway). That does not stop it
being production quality; there are many users using it daily quite

> As such, I'm done.  When y'all decide to get real with caring about
> users' ability to install pgadmin for web, ping me.

Oh, we care. That's why it's well documented and takes just a few easy
steps - and why for some time now I've been wracking my brain about ways to
make it even easier. There are a bunch of pgAdmin containers on Docker Hub
available, few, if any of which were setup with the help of our mailing
lists, so it's presumably not that hard to do. Either that or the Docker
guys have thicker skins than the Project Atomic guys :-)

Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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