On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 8:57 PM, Shirley Wang <sw...@pivotal.io> wrote:

> Until we learn definitively from users that the current implementation of
> commenting/uncommenting in other tools is not working, we should use what
> is common practice. We can use that as a baseline and then if we learn that
> there needs to be another shortcut, we can add additional functionality.
> It's much easier to add something for users than to take away.

There isn't really any common practice as far as I can see. In a 20 minute
search I found the following variations (substitute Ctrl for Cmd on

Tools supporting only one comment mode:

XCode: Cmd+/
Visual Studio: Ctrl+K+C Ctrl+K+U
SQL Server Management Studio: Ctrl+K+C Ctrl+K+U
pgAdmin 3: Cmd+K/Cmd+Shift+K
Editra: Cmd+1
Netbeans: Cmd+Shift+C
Eclipse: Cmd+/
Sublime Text: Cmd+/ Cmd+Shift+/
Toad: Ctrl+b Ctrl+Shift+b
MySQL Workbench: Cmd+/

Tools supporting line and block comment modes:

PyCharms (line comment): Cmd+/
PyCharms (block comment): Cmd+Alt+/
Notepad++ (line comment): Ctrl+q
Notepad++ (block comment): Ctrl+Shift+q

I'd say we should go with Cmd+/ and Cmd+Shift+/ as that seems the most
common by a small margin - however, I'm still not convinced that we don't
need two keys for optimal behaviour of line commenting.

Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
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