Title: Message
Possibly, but as that's the standard compiler shipped with at least one reasonably popular Linux distro, we have to assume that others will probably be using it and would suffer the same problem - and as it's an infinite loop It's definately not going in until a real solution is found.
Regards, Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: frank_lupo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 September 2002 07:12
To: Dave Page
Cc: pgadmin-hackers
Subject: RE: [pgadmin-hackers] idea for reading encodign format

Is possible that the problem the vesrione of the compiler? 
My version 7.2 is compiled by GCC 2.95.3-5
Your version 7.2 is compiled by GCC egcs-2.91.66
Is a problem ?
OK,  any ideas on the problem I mentioned?
-----Original Message-----
From: frank_lupo    [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 10 September!  200 2     16:34
To: Dave Page
Cc: pgadmin-hackers
Subject:    Re: [pgadmin-hackers] idea for reading encodign format


I using  PostgreSQL 7.2


template1=# select    version();
 PostgreSQL    7.2 on i686-pc-cygwin, compiled by GCC 2.95.3-5
(1 row)



I tried on 2 &nbs! p;systems :

template1=# select       versin();
---------------! --------- -      -------------------------------------
 PostgreSQL       7.3b1 on i686-pc-cygwin, compiled by GCC 2.95.3-5
(1 row)
template1=# select   !  &nb s p;  pg_encoding_to_char(0)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(1)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(2)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(3)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(4)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(5)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(6)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(7)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(8)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(9)
template1-# union select       pg_en! coding_t! & nbsp;o_char(10 ) 
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(11)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(12)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(13)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(14)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(15)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(16)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(17)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(18)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(19)
template1-# union select       pg_en! coding_to _ char(20)
template1-# union select       pg_encoding_to_char(21);
 LA!      TIN5
& n      bsp;LATIN6
(22       rows)
template1=>  select       version();
 PostgreSQL       7.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC egcs-2.91.66
(1!        ro w )
template1=>       select pg_encoding_to_char(0)
template! 1->&nb s p;union select       pg_encoding_to_char(1)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(2)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(3)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(4)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(5)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(6)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(7)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(8)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(9)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(10)
templa! te1->& n bsp;union select       pg_encoding_to_char(11)
template1-> union select&nb! sp;      pg_en c oding_to_char(12)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(13)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(14)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(15)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(16)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(17)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(18)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(19)
template1-> union select       ! ;pg_encod i ng_to_char(20)
template1-> union select       pg_encoding_to_char(21);
(1       row)
The 7.2 system was ! ; compile d       without multibyte support. In 7.3, multibyte is always on. I guess       it probably doesn't matter much as it's obviously giving only useful encodings,       the problem is this (on the 7.2&! nbsp;syst e m):
template1=>  select       pg_encoding_to_char(45);
(1       row)
template1=>  select       pg_encoding_to_char(450);
(1       row)
0 D      
How would the loop       know when to give up and exit?
Regards,       Dave.
-----Original Message-----
From: frank_lupo           [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 10 September 2002           14:45
To: Dave Page
Cc:         pgadmin-hackers
Subject:           RE: [pgadmin-hackers] idea for reading encodign format


I replace this code in frmdatabase pgadmin2. I don't have this problem.         

        &nb! sp;  0D

What is your result if you execute this selection ?


select pg_encoding_to_char(0) 


union select pg_encoding_to_char(1)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(2)


union select & nbsp;   pg_encoding_to_char(3)


unio! n select    pg_encoding_to_char(4)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(5)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(6)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(7)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(8)

           union&n b sp;select    pg_encoding_to_char(9)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(10)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(11)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(12)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(13)

         &nb! sp; < P>union select    pg_encoding_to_char(14)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(15)


union select           pg_encod! ing_to_ch a r(16)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(17)


union select    pg_encodin! g_to_char ( 18)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(19)


union select    pg_encoding_to_char(20)


union select pg_encoding_to_char(21)


My result is :


&n!        bsp;LATIN 3        
&!           nbsp;SQL_ A SCII
(22 rows)


The order is not by number encoding.



Hi  Frank,
          &n! bsp;  ;   
Hmm, that doesn't seem to work here. For any random integervalue of X             &nb! sp;  &          nbsp;that I try in select pg_encoding_to_char(X), I get SQL_ASCII as the                result.
This                is a problem I would like to fix, though I don't have time myself right now                :-(
Regards, Dave.< /          DIV>             
-----Original Message-----
From: frank_lupo                      [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 09 September 2002                      16:46
To: pgadmin-hackers
Subject: [pgadmin-hackers] idea !                   ;  & n                   bsp;for reading encodign format

   &!            nbsp;&nbs p ;             

for reading e! ncodign&n b sp;format current                      version is:


    'Load the                      Encoding Schemes
    cboProperties(0).Text =                      "SQL_ASCII"
    Set objItem =                     &n! bsp;cboPr o perties(0).ComboItems.Add(, , "SQL_ASCII", "encoding",                      "encoding")
    objItem.Selected = True
 &n!            bsp;  ;                      
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "EUC_JP",                      "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add ,                      , "EUC_CN", "e! ncoding", & ! ;  & n bsp;               nbsp;"encoding"
                         cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "EUC_KR", "encoding",                      "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "EUC_TW",                      "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add ,                    !  &nb s            ! p;,  " UNICODE", "encoding", "encoding"
                         cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "MULE_INTERNAL", "encoding",                      "encoding"< BR>  ;    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , ,                      "LATIN1", "encoding", "encoding"
                         cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "LATIN2", "encoding",               ! ; &n b sp;     "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "LATIN3",                    &nb! sp;  "                   encoding", "encoding"
    cbo!            Propertie s (0).ComboItems.Add ,                      , "LATIN4", "encoding", "encoding"
                         cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "LATIN5", "encoding",      ! ; &n b sp;              "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "KOI8",                      "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add ,                      , "WIN", "encoding", "encoding"
                         cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "ALT", "encoding", "encoding"

                             ! ; &n b sp;  

this version is a problem to custom                      encodign into program. For new encodign modify program to add new                     &n! bsp;encod i gn


For reading automatly encodign                      usign thi! s co d e : < /P>                                                     

Dim rsSQL As New Recordset
Dim                      bIsValid As Boolean

               &nbs! p; & n bsp;               

    'Load the        ! ; &n b sp;            Encoding Schemes
    bIsValid = True
    X                      = 0
    While                      bIsValid
        Set rsSQL =                      frmMain.svr.Databases("template1").Execute("select pg_encoding_to_char(" &                      X & ")")
        If  ! ;  & n bsp;                &n! bsp;rsSQL .                   Fields(0).Value = "" T!            hen  b IsValid =                      False
        If bIsValid                      Then
            If                      X = 0         &nbs! p; & n bsp;          Then
                                     cboProperties(0).Text =                      rsSQL.Fields(0).Value
           &nbs Bye !! Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!

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