Giuseppe Sacco wrote:

-----Messaggio Inoltrato-----

From: Giuseppe Sacco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[please CC in reply, since I am not subscribed to the list]
I jst read the announcement about pgAdminIII and I am very happy.

I tried to install it in my debian box, but I found that the binary
version is available only for i386. I then decided to recompile
everything from source and send it back to you, but I have now this
eppesuig3:~/src# apt-get build-dep pgadmin3
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Build-Depends dependency on pgadmin3 cannot be satisfied because the
package pgadmin3-libwxgtk2ud2.5-dev cannot be found
So it seems that something is missing. Where may I found all the

Dear Giuseppe,

Thank you for using pgAdmin3 (or trying to use it :p),
pgAdmin3 is compiled statically against a patched version of a wxWindows2.5 snapshot. As our wxWindows debian packages are quite broken compared to official wx2.4 ones and as the official maintainer of the official debian packages whom is also a wxWindows member asked me not to publish any packages concerning this, I decided not to put these packages on the postgresql site. On which platform are you planning to build ? If you want I may be able to try a build on HPPA 64 as I've got one at home.
If you still want to try a build by yourself, you can try to read the "Developer's corner" section in the file attached or consult it online at :
But be AWARE that the package is really experimental and conflicts with the official wx2.4 debian package and so can break your system (I'm working on this).

More simply, try this :
You can find the source packages or our wxWindows 2.5 by adding this line to your sources.list
deb-src experimental/testing wxwindows-pgadmin3

And try to rebuild the wxWindows 2.5 packages :
# apt-get source wxwindows-pgadmin3
# cd wxwindows-pgadmin3-2.5.0
# dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc

We stay in touch (I'll be unreachable this afternoon but I'll have a look to my mail tonight).



Title: pgAdmin3 CVS snapshots in binary formats

pgAdmin3 CVS snapshots in binary formats

pgAdmin3 CVS snapshots are available for several platforms, including GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and Microsoft Windows 2000/XP. Several ports are in preparation, including MacOsX. We are doing our best to update these snapshots almost nightly.

Please report bugs, problems and suggestions to the pgadmin mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]. A registration on the mailing-list is needed before posting a message.

Important note:

There is no guarantee that these packages work in any way: it is beta developer software intended for testing and development.

Presently, daily snapshots are compiled for the following platforms:

GNU/Linux Debian

Packager: Raphaël Enrici
The packages are available from pgAdmin apt repository. If you want to install pgAdmin3 on a Debian subsystem please follow these instructions :

  • APT Configuration
    Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following line:

    • For Debian WOODY:
       deb woody pgadmin

    • For Debian TESTING:
       deb testing pgadmin

    • For Debian UNSTABLE:
       deb unstable pgadmin

  • Installation
    After you configured you sources.list as mentioned above, simply do this as root:
    # apt-get update
    # apt-get install pgadmin3
    Launch the software by typing "pgadmin3" and have fun! Please, feel free to report any problem to pgadmin-hackers list. Thanks!

    If you want to get the source packages simply modify your /etc/apt/sources.list:

    • For Debian WOODY:
       deb-src woody pgadmin

    • For Debian TESTING:
       deb-src testing pgadmin

    • For Debian UNSTABLE:
       deb-src unstable pgadmin

    You may also want to check wxWindows 2.5 cvs version static packages which were used to build pgadmin3 packages:
    Binaries and sources are available for woody, testing and unstable:

    • For Debian WOODY:
       deb experimental/woody wxwindows-pgadmin3
       deb-src experimental/woody wxwindows-pgadmin3

    • For Debian TESTING:
       deb experimental/testing wxwindows-pgadmin3
       deb-src experimental/testing wxwindows-pgadmin3

    • For Debian UNSTABLE:
       deb experimental/unstable wxwindows-pgadmin3
       deb-src experimental/unstable wxwindows-pgadmin3

    It contains the three following packages which were used to build pgadmin3:

    • pgadmin3-libwxgtk2ud2.5

    • pgadmin3-libwxgtk2ud2.5-contrib

    • pgadmin3-libwxgtk2ud2.5-dev

    And if you want sources of the three precedent packages:
    # deb-src experimental/woody wxwindows-pgadmin3

  • To compile and rebuild the pgadmin3 package:

    • First, as root
      # apt-get update
      # apt-get build-dep pgadmin3
      This should install pgadmin3-wxwindows* packages.

    • Then as a normal user
      Fetch the source # apt-get source pgadmin3
      # cd pgadmin3-0.1.1
      Compile and build the package # dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
      # cd .. ; ls *.deb

    • Or as root (not recommended)
      Fetch,compile & build the package
      # apt-get --compile source pgadmin3

    Any comments are welcome.

GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.1, RedHat 9, SuSE 8.2

Packager: Jean-Michel POURE

GNU/Slackware 9.0

Packager: Dave Page

  • Binary packages

    pgAdmin3 binary packages are compiled statically against wxGTK 2.5. Therefore there is not need to install wxGTK 2.5 libraries. pgAdmin3 binaries are compiled with Unicode and debugging mode and linked against GTK2. The binaries are localised in several languages and include the latest PostgreSQL documentation. The required steps for installation are:

    1. Download the latest packages from

    2. Install the downloaded packages using Slackwares pkgtool or installpkg.

  • wxGTK 2.5 libraries

    Sorry, we do not provide development packages in GNU/Slackware 9.0. If you want to contribute pgAdmin3 projects or simply compile from source, you need a recent GNU/Linux distribution with wxGTK 2.5 CVS libraries, header files and contributed libraries compiled from source. This is actually very straightforward on Slackware 9 as all dependencies should already be installed. You should find that the compilation instructions detail the exact steps required.

    FreeBSD 5.1

    Packager: Hiroshi Saito

    pgAdmin3 binary packages are compiled statically against wxGTK 2.5. Therefore there is not need to install wxGTK 2.5 libraries. pgAdmin3 binaries are compiled with Unicode and debugging mode and linked against GTK2. The binaries are localised in several languages and include the latest PostgreSQL documentation.

    1. Installation

      # pkg_add pgadmin3-yyyymmdd.tgz

    2. Create a symlink to pgadmin3 binary

      # ln -sf /usr/local/pgadmin3/bin/pgadmin3 /usr/local/bin/pgadmin3

    3. Check that pgadmin3 is in the path

      # which pgadmin3 # /usr/local/bin/pgadmin3

    4. UnInstall

      # pkg_delete pgadmin3-0.1.1

    Microsoft Windows 2000 & XP

    Packager: Andreas Pflug

    1. Binary packages

      pgAdmin3 binary packages are compiled statically against wxGTK 2.5. Therefore there is no need to install wxGTK 2.5 libraries. pgAdmin3 binaries are compiled with Unicode. The binaries are localised in several languages. The required steps for installation are:

      1. Download the latest packages from

      2. Unzip and copy all files in the directory of your choice.

      3. Double-click on pgAdmin3.exe.

    2. wxGTK 2.5 libraries

      Presently, we do not provide wxGTK 2.5 packages for compiling pgAdmin3 under Windows. You will need to install wxGTK 2.5 cvs version from source. We would love to hear your experience if you could compile pgAdmin3 successfully under Mingw. Stay tuned...

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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