Hi Folks,

long time no hear! And well, this is a one-time only contact, I'm not
going to re-join the pgAdmin community (not even subscribed to the
list). The intention of my mail is to bring Admin4 (
http://www.admin4.org ) to your attention, maybe show new perspectives
and eventually attract fellow developers.

Back in those old days, I thought pgAdmin sources might be the base for
more administrative tools, but that's actually not too easy since the
extension mechanisms weren't included by design but added later. I
dreamt of including a Python scripting engine, which never happened
either. So over the past years, when I was in urgent need for a
management tool for specific type of (non-public) server, I created a
tool from scratch that is meant to offer maximum flexibility and
extensibility, Admin4. It is extensible on different levels: modules
(different types of servers), nodes (different objects in servers),
panels/menus/tools (added features to nodes), and more; all without
configuration or modification of existing files, just by adding some
files. Of course, it's multi-platform (Python/wxPython) and open source
(Apache2). It gained some more modules: aside from the first undisclosed
module, it offers LDAP and BIND/DNS modules, and lately a PostgreSQL module.

In contrast to LDAP and DNS modules, the PostgreSQL module hasn't
reached the feature-complete status; I'm coding just what I currently
need, but what's mostly missing is support of some more node types and
editing of them; the boring stuff ;-) IMHO very usable is the query tool
and the data tool, both having some helpful non-trivial features other
tools don't have. The Admin4 core itself is quite stable, infrastructure
(website, sourceforge, github) including secure online update is settling.

I assume the most people interested in stuff like Admin4 would be
lurking around here, so if you'd like to have a peek, check it out!


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