I haven’t used pgAdmin 4 in quite some time, but I checked out the web page 
today and I see from the screenshots that the output is still paginated for 
simple queries (like “SELECT * FROM mytable”).  For me, that is a deal breaker. 
 Although pgAdmin3 certainly has issues, being able to effortlessly scroll 
through a long list is still far, far better than any sort of pagination could 
ever be.  


Although scrolling can be avoided by writing detailed queries, scrolling is 
extremely useful for flicking through a table to get a feeling for what’s in 
it, how many missing values there are, and to catch bad entries (especially if 
you have no idea what the bad variants might be).  It’s even useful with giant 
tables of hundreds of thousands or millions of rows: although no-one would want 
to scroll through every row, it still gives you a nearly-instant snapshot.  


I assume that there are others, perhaps many, who feel as I do, and I beg the 
pgAdmin4 team to consider making query output a single-page scrolling list.  
More august personalities than I am have commented on why scrolling should be 
preferred to pagination.  Here is Mike Bostock of D3 fame, for example: 






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