
PgAdmin 4 v3.0 didn't work out of the box on my ubuntu 16.04.4. Both DEB
install and python wheel generate errors. I researched the DEB install and
determined that the error occurs in
"/usr/share/pgadmin4/web/pgadmin/utils/driver/psycopg2/connection.py" on
line 313 which reads

pg_conn.notices = deque([], self.ASYNC_NOTICE_MAXLENGTH)

and complains that the property is readonly. I am not a python guy but
after some research I made the following tweak to make it work:

        if self.async == 1:
            pg_conn.notices = deque([], self.ASYNC_NOTICE_MAXLENGTH)

The same file has similar code on line ~1250 though I didn't see errors on
that line.

Another error which completely prevents from continuing on a web page is
the "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR" which locks the screen with an alert popup (the
title reads "AlertifyJS") that can't be closed, but I believe this was
already reported and claimed to be fixed the next day.


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