
On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 7:25 PM Andrew Coleman <penguinco...@gmail.com>

> Your example documentation doesn’t include the X-Scheme header, which I
> think is pretty important when you are proxying to an HTTP backend but
> using HTTPS terminated at Traefik.

It wasn't needed in my testing. SCRIPT_NAME is the same thing, but passed
to the environment of the container running pgAdmin. You do also need a
label on the pgAdmin container though to tell Traefik to rewrite the
URLs: traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix:/pgadmin4

> FWIW, I wasn’t using a path but I was still unable to get it working
> correctly behind Traefik even with a SCRIPT_NAME=/

I didn't try using SCRIPT_NAME with the app mounted at the root of the
vhost, so don't know if that works. The root is the default though, so you
should be able to omit it.

> I’ll take another look at it soon and see if I can get it working better
> with the newer container that has the servers.json change already included.
FWIW, I tested all the configs I documented using the pgAdmin 4.11
container and Traefik 1.7.12 running on the Docker host. I also tested some
of the configs with the latest Traefik container, but I found I was getting
the same behaviour with that as when running on the host so ended up
finishing my work just using it on the host.

Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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