More than a year ago, I implemented full text search on one of my sites.
>From the beginning, there was one problem (or at least, what I perceive to
be a problem): when I use a script to insert many documents at once, they
do *not* get indexed in fts. If a document is created or inserted one at a
time, fts indexes immediately. The workaround I came up with was just to
open each of those script inserted documents and then close them. As soon
as they are opened, they get indexed.

I assume this has to do with the trigger, which is set to BEFORE, and which
I carefully followed from the blog post that I got the code from. I wrote
to that author at the time, but he was of no help. My thought was that the
trigger was not firing, and thus the documents were not getting indexed,
because until the document was actually there, there was nothing to index.
Therefore, I thought a simple switch from BEFORE to AFTER would solve my
problem. However, in the example in the official docs, BEFORE is used as
well, so I abandoned that idea and decided to post this question.

Another solution I had in mind was to simply include an additional step in
my insert script to sleep for one second, during which the current document
would be opened, and hopefully indexed, and then closed, so the script
could go on to the next document. Note my insert script is in Python and
goes through Django. This is not a ‘pure’ postgresql operation, if that

My questions are:


   Does this sleep / open / close / proceed idea seem like a workable

   Is there a better workaround?

   At first blush, I would think the speed of insertion would not be an
   issue for any trigger - it would seem to defeat the purpose - but am I
   wrong about that?

I am not (yet) posting the trigger code because this post is long already,
and if your answers are 1) yes, 2) no and 3) triggers often work / fail
like this, then there’s no point and we can wrap this up. But if not, I
will happily post what I have. Thank you.

*“None of you has faith until he loves for his brother or his neighbor what
he loves for himself.”*

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