Great, thank you!


From: Aditya Toshniwal <>
Sent: May 25, 2020 1:08 AM
To: Potvin, Jérémi <>
Cc: PgAdmin Support List <>; Khushboo Vashi 
Subject: Re: Two Factor Authentication and the Query Tool


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On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 9:45 AM Khushboo Vashi 
<<>> wrote:

On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 8:48 PM Potvin, Jérémi 
<<>> wrote:

I currently have two factor authentication set up on my PG database going to a 
Radius server.

I can connect to the database using Pgadmin4 v4.2 just fine, but as soon as I 
try to open a Query Tool window, I get an authentication error.
That’s because pgAdmin is trying to pass the credentials of my initial 
connection to the Query Tool for it to connect to the database. I cannot reuse 
my initial credentials more than once.

In another tool (Data Studio) that I use to connect to DB2 databases, there’s 
an option to prevent this:


Does anyone know if there’s a parameter in pgadmin or the config files that can 
fix my issue?
Would it be possible in later versions?

Not supported by pgAdmin 4 right now.
Please create a feature request @ for the same.
The feature request is there. We will consider it for future release -


Thank you in advance for your help,

Thanks and Regards,
Aditya Toshniwal
pgAdmin Hacker | Sr. Software Engineer | EnterpriseDB India | Pune
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