
> Is there any way to make one storage accessible to a multiple users at
> one time?

should work right away with postgresql. Normally as admin you would
create a server with the database. Then create users and grant access to
this users. On linux you can do this in a terminal using psql.
Afterwards, all the users to whom you granted the apropriate rights
should be able to connect to the same database using the different
interfaces like pspl, pgadmin, libreoffice or others like knoda.
> Right now when you set STORAGE_DIR variable in config_local.py, pgAdmin
> will create a separate directory for every single user in it (e.g. if
> STORAGE_DIR=/somedir, then user’s storage root will be at
> /somedir/someuser/). The idea is to allow users access some common
> directory, or to set one directory as several user’s storage root.
> “About pgAdmin 4” says I’m using:
> *Version*4.27
> *Python Version *3.8.5 (default, Jul 28 2020, 12:59:40) [GCC 9.3.0]
> *Flask Version *1.0.2
> *Application Mode *Server
> *Сергей Краснов*
> /Системный администратор Linux /
> тел.: 8 800 555-91-15
> https://scloud.ru/
> <https://scloud.ru/1c_programm/1cpark_riski.php?m4>

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