
You might want to try escaping the single quotes in your data.  Either by
doubling them up or switching double quotes for dollar-quoted strings.

Just a thought,


On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 3:02 PM dsbw <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Trying to import data, tab-delimited but unfortunately with quotes around
> string fields anyway. Like:
> 1234<tab>"JOHN"<tab>"SMITH"<tab>5678
> PGAdmin import fails when the quoted value contains a single quote:
> 1234<tab>"EMPLOYEES'"<tab>"CREDIT UNION"<tab>5678
> So the trailing quote (for possessive) after "EMPLOYEES" trips it up.
> Seems like, if one is inside a set of double-quotes, any single quotes
> should be ignored? (I know CSV is multiply and contradictorily defined, but
> still.)
> ===Blake===

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