
On Tue, 15 Mar 2022 at 14:25, Alexander Biezenski <
alexander.biezen...@secpsd.ca> wrote:

> Hello,
> I believe my current situation does not allow these environment variables
> to properly reach my pgadmin installation.
> Let me provide some context, it might help you help me.
>    1. I start from the image ‘mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1809’
>    2. Then Docker downloads the windows installer located at
> https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/pgadmin/pgadmin4/v6.7/windows/pgadmin4-6.7-x64.exe
>    3. It then executes the installer.
>    4. I am now trying to work through the initial setup in server
>    deployment, regarding setting config files and running setup.py.
> My guess is that this is the wrong way to go about a windows deployment in
> this context, but I’m not sure.
> I did try the method of passing environment variables to my container.
> Unfortunately, the results are the same. Without something built into the
> Dockerfile to run the setup.py, no configuration is done during image
> build. When I run the image using ‘docker run -e …’, and then execute
> setup.py, it does not appear to see the environment variables, and hangs as
> before.
The Windows installer for pgAdmin is designed to install it onto a desktop
machine as a normal application for a single user. setup.py is only used
(by end users - pgAdmin still uses it internally) when setting up to run in
Server mode for multiple users to access using their browser.

What you're trying to do is not supported, and will not work in a safe and
secure manner without a significant amount of effort (probably development
effort, not just on your part).

The supported ways to run pgAdmin are documented at
https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/6.7/deployment.html (ignore the Cloud
Deployment link - that's something different that needs to be moved). If
you want to run pgAdmin in a container, follow the instructions in the
container deployment section. The container that will be deployed is a
Linux one, which (I believe) you can deploy using Docker with WSL or

Dave Page
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