
On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 7:24 PM, Thomas Landauer <tho...@landauer.at> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> thanks!!
> I think I've discovered a bug:
> I started the restore, and since then I have this message in the lower right
> corner of the screen (see attached screenshot). I've already restarted the
> computer twice, but the timer still keeps counting.

Ashesh knows that part of the code far better than me, so CCing him.

If you click for details, what is displayed?

When we spawn jobs like this, they are executed independently of
pgAdmin. It keeps track of the process IDs of the tasks and monitors
them until completion, so the task will be re-displayed if pgAdmin is
restarted, and it still appears to be running.

> The restore did create 24 of my 30+ tables, but didn't enter any data yet.
> The entire .backup-file is less than 1 MB - so that's nothing that could
> take 20.000 seconds ;-)
> About the initial question:
> I was thinking I was supposed to enter a single .exe-file, not an entire
> directory. So if it's not possible to figure it out automatically (like
> pgAdmin 3 did), please rephrase the label of the field from "PostgreSQL
> Binary Path" to "Directory containing the PostgreSQL binaries".

I've changed the hint text (shown under the text box) to "Path to the
directory containing the PostgreSQL utility programs (pg_dump,
pg_restore etc).". The label remains the same, as it should be quite


Dave Page
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EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
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