More to Add:

Core features missing from pgadmin4
-There's no search functionality in the sql-query/function editor
-You cannot dynamically change the font size bigger/smaller with ctrl-mouse-scroll
-You cannot open a query in a new window
-Functions all open up in a tab named 'Query-untitled' with no obvious way to change the title. Once you have 3+ functions open, the navigation is unwieldy -'View Data' opens up in tabs named 'Query-1', 'Query-2'...etc. navigation is unwieldy once the tab is opened. -my favorite feature of pgadmin3 data viewer: double click on a column to auto-side the column... is missing

Things that would be nice to have:
- View next 100/500/1000/etc rows instead of being limited to the top or bottom rows - ability to edit the query from a 'view data' click.. if there is a primary key on the table... still allow editing
- reordering columns in the 'create table' dialog
- show 'create script'-style sql for when clicking on an item (I think we all agree you can safely hide the dashboard once you're clicking around in the schema)

While I completely understand the push to new technology and an easier codebase to maintain... but with all these major usability issues, pgadmin4 is definitely not ready for prime time and many of us would appreciate some continued development on pgadmin3 by the core team.

I suggest starting up a page to keep track of all these features that are must-haves and then the community can vote and prioritize?

On 11/23/16 09:54, Tomek wrote:

Regarding the release of pgAdmin 4 I need to point out some problems I'm facing 
with the new version.

First and most annoying - it is slow, really slow - one thing that pgAdmin had 
over other db management systems (MySQL Workbench, Microsoft Management Studio 
etc.) was its speed - now it's gone...

There is a significant regress in functionality:

- no favorites
- no recent queries
- no single line select (query tool)
- no notepad
- no bracket highlight (start-end, orphan)
- after every query result columns resize to some predefined width (should stay 
as set)
- no possibility to detach panel to window (multi monitor setup)
- view data result is shown without oid (no option to set it up)
- view data - disabled field edit when no primary key is set (that's why oids 
are for!)
- cannot select and copy fields from result
- triggers does not descent to its function (it's under properties)
- no object search
- no option to change database in query tool
- history in query tool is useless - can't see query if it is little longer, no 
- ...

And also bugs:

- only one error message for every query error: "Not connected to the server or the 
connection to the server has been closed."
- view data last/first 100 does not work - always first 100
- view data query is not editable (why is it there???)
- copy button does nothing
- global copy/paste mess - in one place Ctrl+C works other not, the same for 
context menu
- ...

I've tried to work with version 4.x for few hours - gave up... The issues above 
are only from these few hours...


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