
I'm using pgAdmin 4.1 on Windows 10, PostgreSQL ver 9.6.1.

I've started backup database process from the GUI. It was running for about
6 minutes than pgAdmin has unexpectedly stopped working.
I've reopen pgAdmin. In the right bottom corner it is shown that backup is
still running (http://prntscr.com/dcnxvm) . When I'm trying to connect to
my databse via pgAdmin, pgAdmin crashes and stopes responding (

After reboot the problem is still here:
Backup process shows as running in right bottom corner (272603.01 seconds
running for now) and when I try to connect to my DB pgAdmin is stopping.
Killing processes from task manager also have no effect.

If needed I can provide additional information.

Will appreciate for any feedback.

з павагай,
Раманоўскі Юрый

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