In pgadmin 4 in the left hand navigation you can select the "Columns" label under any table listed in order to get a list of all columns within a table.
A fantast enhancements would be to add to the "File >> Preferences" the ability to do either option #1 or #2 listed below: 1) A question in File >> Preferences to sort the default display of Columns listed in the left hand navigation alphabetically versus the natural table order. OR 2) A question in the File >> Preferences that says something like "What order would you like the Columns to be listed by default in the left hand navigation:" . Then have three radio button options: a) Natural order b) Alphabetical order c) Grouped by primary key, then foreign keys, then other columns. Within foreign keys and other columns list them alphabetical. I know you have a lot going on. I am sure this enhancement seems trivial. But when you have a table with a lot of columns this is an amazing feature to have. Before the release of 4-1.4 I was using a different admin tool. I found this feature exceptionally nice and very useful. Thanks for considering this feature request. Lance