
Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes wrote:

Em segundo lugar, é problema de performance? EXPLAIN. Não mande a
consulta ou estrutura de tabelas a não ser que alguém peça. Para análise
de performance, é essencial a versão, pois várias otimizações são feitas
durante as versões.

postgres 64bits  versao 8.1.6 em redhat enterprise 4


abaixo a query e seu explain

select b.inrcmv, b.inrndc, b.inrpur, a.cnrfor, c.movfor, b.inrcme,
a.cnrure, a.cnrutr, a.cnrdrm, a.cnrnnf, a.cnrenf, d.concpg, a.cnrvnf,
b.inrvlr, a.cnricm, b.inripi,     a.cnrpis,     a.cnrcofin,     b.inrqtg,
'' as romplc,     a.cnrbfu,     a.cnrvim,     a.cnrcf2,     c.movpli,
q.flagsit,     a.cnrsnf,     a.cnrtim,     c.movdoc     from
qr_dbf_sie3000_log as q     join granol_sie3000_dbf as a       on q.cnrnum
= a.cnrnum     join granol_sie3200_dbf as b       on a.cnrnum = b.inrnum
join sif00_con1000_dbf as d       on b.inrndc =
d.connum||trim(to_char(d.conuni,'00'))     join sif50_mov1000_dbf as c on
b.inrnum = c.movnnr     where a.cnrsis = 1 and           b.inrdco = 1 and
b.inrcmv in ( 1,4,5,20,29,44,45,49,67,68,70,71,73 )     order by q.cnrnum

resultado do plan
"Limit (cost=37.47..37.47 rows=1 width=326) (actual time=0.213..0.213 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Sort (cost=37.47..37.47 rows=1 width=326) (actual time=0.202..0.202 rows=0 loops=1)"
"        Sort Key: q.cnrnum"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=5.88..37.46 rows=1 width=326) (actual time=0.030..0.030 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=5.88..32.62 rows=1 width=316) (actual time=0.024..0.024 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=4.86..21.90 rows=1 width=297) (actual time=0.020..0.020 rows=0 loops=1)"
"                          Join Filter: ("inner".cnrnum = "outer".inrnum)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=4.86..17.07 rows=1 width=117) (actual time=0.015..0.015 rows=0 loops=1)" " Hash Cond: ((("outer".connum)::text || btrim(to_char("outer".conuni, '00'::text))) = ("inner".inrndc)::text)" " -> Seq Scan on sif00_con1000_dbf d (cost=0.00..10.80 rows=80 width=29) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Hash (cost=4.86..4.86 rows=1 width=108) (never executed)" " -> Index Scan using granol_sie3200_dbf_12346 on granol_sie3200_dbf b (cost=0.00..4.86 rows=1 width=108) (never executed)" " Index Cond: (inrdco = 1::numeric)" " Filter: ((inrcmv = 1::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 4::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 5::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 20::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 29::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 44::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 45::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 49::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 67::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 68::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 70::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 71::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 73::numeric))" " -> Index Scan using granol_sie3000_dbf_12346 on granol_sie3000_dbf a (cost=0.00..4.82 rows=1 width=180) (never executed)"
"                                Index Cond: (cnrsis = 1::numeric)"
" -> Bitmap Heap Scan on qr_dbf_sie3000_log q (cost=1.02..10.63 rows=7 width=19) (never executed)"
"                          Recheck Cond: (q.cnrnum = "outer".cnrnum)"
" -> Bitmap Index Scan on qr_dbf_sie3000_log_pkey (cost=0.00..1.02 rows=7 width=0) (never executed)"
"                                Index Cond: (q.cnrnum = "outer".cnrnum)"
" -> Index Scan using sif50_mov100c_000006 on sif50_mov1000_dbf c (cost=0.00..4.82 rows=1 width=52) (never executed)"
"                    Index Cond: ("outer".inrnum = c.movnnr)"
"Total runtime: 1.210 ms"

select b.inrcmv, b.inrndc, b.inrpur, a.cnrfor, d.movfor, b.inrcme,
a.cnrure, a.cnrutr, a.cnrdrm, a.cnrnnf, a.cnrenf, '' as concpg, a.cnrvnf,
b.inrvlr, a.cnricm, b.inripi, a.cnrpis, a.cnrcofin, b.inrqtg, c.romplc,
a.cnrbfu, a.cnrvim, a.cnrcf2, d.movpli, q.flagsit, a.cnrsnf, a.cnrtim,
d.movdoc from qr_dbf_sie3000_log as q join granol_sie3000_dbf as a   on
q.cnrnum = a.cnrnum join granol_sie3200_dbf as b   on a.cnrnum = b.inrnum
join granol_sie3300_dbf as c   on q.cnrnum = c.romnum join
sif50_mov1000_dbf as d on a.cnrcon = d.movcon and      a.cnruni = d.movunc
and      a.cnrnfr = d.movnpr where  ( b.inrdco = 1 or a.cnrlrt >= 70 ) and
b.inrcmv in (21,49,72) and          c.romtip = 'D'  order by q.cnrnum

resultado do plano
"Limit (cost=36.50..36.51 rows=1 width=331) (actual time=0.053..0.053 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Sort (cost=36.50..36.51 rows=1 width=331) (actual time=0.046..0.046 rows=0 loops=1)"
"        Sort Key: q.cnrnum"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=6.20..36.49 rows=1 width=331) (actual time=0.025..0.025 rows=0 loops=1)" " Join Filter: (("outer".cnrcon = "inner".movcon) AND ("outer".cnruni = "inner".movunc))" " -> Nested Loop (cost=6.20..31.65 rows=1 width=328) (actual time=0.020..0.020 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=5.17..20.93 rows=1 width=351) (actual time=0.016..0.016 rows=0 loops=1)" " Join Filter: (("inner".inrdco = 1::numeric) OR ("outer".cnrlrt >= 70::numeric))" " -> Hash Join (cost=5.17..16.08 rows=1 width=252) (actual time=0.011..0.011 rows=0 loops=1)" " Hash Cond: ("outer".cnrnum = "inner".romnum)" " -> Seq Scan on granol_sie3000_dbf a (cost=0.00..10.60 rows=60 width=224) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Hash (cost=5.17..5.17 rows=1 width=28) (never executed)" " -> Index Scan using granol_sie3300_dbf_12345 on granol_sie3300_dbf c (cost=0.00..5.17 rows=1 width=28) (never executed)" " Index Cond: (romtip = 'D'::bpchar)" " -> Index Scan using granol_sie3200_dbf_12345 on granol_sie3200_dbf b (cost=0.00..4.83 rows=1 width=117) (never executed)"
"                                Index Cond: ("outer".cnrnum = b.inrnum)"
" Filter: ((inrcmv = 21::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 49::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 72::numeric))" " -> Bitmap Heap Scan on qr_dbf_sie3000_log q (cost=1.02..10.63 rows=7 width=19) (never executed)"
"                          Recheck Cond: (q.cnrnum = "outer".cnrnum)"
" -> Bitmap Index Scan on qr_dbf_sie3000_log_pkey (cost=0.00..1.02 rows=7 width=0) (never executed)"
"                                Index Cond: (q.cnrnum = "outer".cnrnum)"
" -> Index Scan using sif50_mov1000_dbf_12345 on sif50_mov1000_dbf d (cost=0.00..4.82 rows=1 width=73) (never executed)"
"                    Index Cond: ("outer".cnrnfr = d.movnpr)"
"Total runtime: 1.067 ms"

select q.cnrnum, b.inrcmv, b.inrndc, b.inrpur, a.cnrfor, '' as movfor,
b.inrcme, a.cnrure, a.cnrutr, a.cnrdrm, a.cnrnnf, a.cnrenf, '' as concpg,
a.cnrvnf, b.inrvlr, a.cnricm, b.inripi, a.cnrpis, a.cnrcofin, b.inrqtg,
c.romplc, a.cnrbfu, a.cnrvim, a.cnrcf2, '' as movpli, q.flagsit, a.cnrsnf,
a.cnrtim, '' as movdoc from qr_dbf_sie3000_log as q join
granol_sie3000_dbf as a   on q.cnrnum = a.cnrnum join granol_sie3200_dbf
as b   on a.cnrnum = b.inrnum left join granol_sie3300_dbf as c   on
q.cnrnum = c.romnum   and c.romtip = 'D'   where a.cnrlrt < 70  and
b.inrcmv  in (21,22,33,34,40,42,43,47,48,98,99) order by q.cnrnum LIMIT 1

resultado do plano
"Limit (cost=12.21..22.24 rows=1 width=293) (actual time=0.111..0.111 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Merge Left Join (cost=12.21..82.43 rows=7 width=293) (actual time=0.104..0.104 rows=0 loops=1)"
"        Merge Cond: ("outer".cnrnum = "inner".romnum)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=12.21..77.23 rows=7 width=279) (actual time=0.099..0.099 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Merge Join (cost=11.18..55.79 rows=2 width=288) (actual time=0.094..0.094 rows=0 loops=1)"
"                    Merge Cond: ("outer".inrnum = "inner".cnrnum)"
" -> Index Scan using granol_sie3200_dbf_12345 on granol_sie3200_dbf b (cost=0.00..44.47 rows=10 width=108) (actual time=0.089..0.089 rows=0 loops=1)" " Filter: ((inrcmv = 21::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 22::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 33::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 34::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 40::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 42::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 43::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 47::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 48::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 98::numeric) OR (inrcmv = 99::numeric))" " -> Sort (cost=11.18..11.23 rows=20 width=180) (never executed)"
"                          Sort Key: a.cnrnum"
" -> Seq Scan on granol_sie3000_dbf a (cost=0.00..10.75 rows=20 width=180) (never executed)"
"                                Filter: (cnrlrt < 70::numeric)"
" -> Bitmap Heap Scan on qr_dbf_sie3000_log q (cost=1.02..10.63 rows=7 width=19) (never executed)"
"                    Recheck Cond: (q.cnrnum = "outer".cnrnum)"
" -> Bitmap Index Scan on qr_dbf_sie3000_log_pkey (cost=0.00..1.02 rows=7 width=0) (never executed)"
"                          Index Cond: (q.cnrnum = "outer".cnrnum)"
" -> Index Scan using granol_sie3300_dbf_12345 on granol_sie3300_dbf c (cost=0.00..5.17 rows=1 width=28) (never executed)"
"              Index Cond: (romtip = 'D'::bpchar)"
"Total runtime: 0.682 ms"

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