Olá Srs,

Faz alguns dias que postei um problema relacionado ao Failover do Pgpool-II
3.1 não está funcionando, analisei mais o caso e constatei que se trata de
um bug que foi solucionado na release Pgpool-II 3.1.3. Agora como faço um
upgrade de versão do Pgpool-II, pois não encontrei isso no site do projeto
nem em qualquer outro lugar. Grato pelo apoio.

   - Now "pgpool_walrecrunning()" was not used. pgpool-II used to consider
the node that is promoted a primary node using the function. Now,
pgpool-II waits for completing of the promotion to primary node
because it did not work as we intended. But we still have a problem
that pgpool-II waits while recovery_timeout, when there is no primary

  - Add node_id to each PostgreSQL DB node info in the output of
show pool_nodes(Jean-Paul Argudo)

   - Add pcp_promote_node command. This command promotes a new master
node to pgpool-II. This can use in master/slave streaming replication
only. Patch contributed by Gilles Darold.


Antonio Abner Junior - AJ
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