Finally, I installed the latest CVS checkout. I uninstalled my previous
pgpool-II build by doing:

[root ~]# make uninstall
[user ~]# make clean

Then, went to the just downloaded repository for pgpool-II and did:

[user ~]# ./configure
[user ~]# make
[root ~]# make install

Tried the below same thing, but now db connection through pgpool blocks
as soon as second backend goes from status 2 to 3.

Anything wrong with the way I installed the most recent CVS head?



-----Original Message-----
From: Tatsuo Ishii [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:39 AM
To: Crespo, Daniel @ SDS
Subject: Re: [Pgpool-general] pcp_attach_node problem?

Thanks for the report. I think it's a bug with CVS Head. pgpool should
fail over in this case. Fix was committed. Could you please try it
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan

> Hello,
> I have pgpool configured with two backends.
> Below is the sequence of events to reproduce the
> 1. [Server A] Check the status of the nodes:
> [root ~]# pcp_node_info 10 localhost 9898 postgres postgres 0
> 5432 2 1073741823.500000
> [root ~]# pcp_node_info 10 localhost 9898 postgres postgres 1
> 5432 2 1073741823.500000
> 2. [Server B] stop second backend:
> service postgresql restart
> Stopping postgresql service:                               [  OK  ]
> Starting postgresql service:                               [  OK  ]
> 3. [Server A] Check the status of the nodes:
> [root ~]# pcp_node_info 10 localhost 9898 postgres postgres 0
> 5432 2 1073741823.500000
> [root ~]# pcp_node_info 10 localhost 9898 postgres postgres 1
> 5432 3 1073741823.500000
> 4. [Server A] Re-Attach node 1:
> pcp_attach_node 10 localhost 9898 postgres postgres 1
> 5. [Server A] Check the status of the nodes:
> [root ~]# pcp_node_info 10 localhost 9898 postgres postgres 0
> 5432 2 1073741823.500000
> [root ~]# pcp_node_info 10 localhost 9898 postgres postgres 1
> 5432 1 1073741823.500000
> 6. Here comes the problem:
>     6.a If I had an already opened psql console, like:
>         [root ~]# psql -U postgres -p 9999
>         Welcome to psql 8.2.1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
>         Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
>            \h for help with SQL commands
>            \? for help with psql commands
>            \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
>            \q to quit
>         postgres=#
>         And issue a SQL Select command on a table, like:
>             postgres=# select * from pg_stat_activity ;
>         It sits there forever. Meanwhile, the status of both backends
> are still 2 and 1, respectively.
>         If, instead, I disconnect the psql console, and connect it
> again, both statuses become 2, and then I can issue the same SQL
> and works just fine.
> Any clue?
> Thanks,
> Daniel
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