On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Tatsuo Ishii <is...@sraoss.co.jp> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Tatsuo Ishii <is...@sraoss.co.jp> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 6:47 PM, Lonni J Friedman <netll...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 6:39 PM, Tatsuo Ishii <is...@sraoss.co.jp> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I couldn't find anything possibly related to your problem at a first
>>>>>>>> grance(in theory client_idle_limit and authentication_timeout are not
>>>>>>>> related but you might want to change them to see anything could be
>>>>>>>> changed).
>>>>>>> OK, I'll give that a try.  Should I just try increasing them by 10 or 
>>>>>>> 20s?
>>>>>> I'd suggest giving them 0. This will prevent to initiate those
>>>>>> functionalities which the directives are related.
>>>>>> Also you hve child_life_time being 300. I don't expect this is related
>>>>>> but could you set it to 0 and see anything gest changed for just in
>>>>>> case?
>>>>> OK, i'll make those changes tomorrow (its late in the day here, and I
>>>>> don't want to introduce potential problems in the middle of the night
>>>>> when no one is closely monitoring the server), and let you know if
>>>>> they have any impact.
>>>> client_idle_limit was already 0.  I set authentication_timeout=0 and
>>>> child_life_time=0, and restarted pgpool, however that had no impact.
>>>> I'm still seeing:
>>>> 26323 2011-09-13 09:28:19 PDT LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
>>>> 3933 2011-09-13 09:36:20 PDT LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
>>> Humm. Is it possible that those connections do not come from pgpool
>>> process?
>> I'm pretty sure that's not the case as the messages stop whenever
>> pgpool isn't running, they were not present prior to using pgpool, and
>> pg_hba.conf is setup such that the database servers only accept
>> connections from each other, and the server running pgpool.  None of
>> these servers have normal users connected directly to them (such as
>> with ssh), nor are they running anything that would connect to the
>> database as a client.  Also, the volume of these messages are such
>> that something significant has to be causing them.  Last night, in the
>> span of 5 minutes, there were 117 of these messages.
> Ok. I would like to narraow down the reason why we have "unexpected
> EOF on client connection" message frequently. I think currently there
> are two possiblities:
> 1) pgpool child was killed by some unknown reason(we can omit
>   segfault case because you don't see it in the pgpool log)
> 2) pgpool child disconnects to PostgreSQL in ungraceful manner
> For 1) I would like to know if pgpool child process are fine since
> they are spawned. Are you seeing any pgpool child process disappeared
> since pgpool started?

I assume this should be determined by num_init_children (which I've
set to 195 in pgpool.conf)?  If so, then I currently have 195
processes in either the "wait for connection request" state or
actively connected state.
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