On Thu, May 27, 1999 at 03:46:48PM +0400, @ mdpei Mnbhjnb wrote:

> Is  there  any  way  to get table structure from perl script
> (for  instance  using Pg). I need it very much, but now have
> to use copy/paste algorythm :)

Since I don't use Perl, I cannot offer a perl specific solution.
Generally, however, you could always use the output of
``pg_dump -S <your DB>''. Quite likely not the most elegant
solution, but much more convenient than copy & paste by hand
if the job has to be done often.

Greetinx, Jan
 +- Jan T. Kim -------------------------------------------------------+
 |             email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           |
 |             WWW:   http://www.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~kim/              |
 *-----=<  hierarchical systems are for files, not for humans  >=-----*

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