On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Delain Huggins wrote:

> We have created a pgsql database w/Access front end through ODBC and are 
> needing to set up user authentication.  Right now we seem to have 
> successfully anabled complete acceptance of any user from anywhere on our 
> LAN ;-)...  We want to be able to have a user with a uniqe password and if 
> someone else tries to log on as that user and doesn't know that user's 
> password to be REJECTED.
> We have the post by Oliver Elphick which is very helpful.

In pg_hba.conf, change 'trust' to 'password'.
create a user using 'create user <userid> with password <password>;' that 
will access through ODBC 

And you should be all set...

Marc G. Fournier                   ICQ#7615664               IRC Nick: Scrappy
Systems Administrator @ hub.org 
primary: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org 

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