I'm not the authority on this, but since no one has said anything(?) I'll
give it a shot.

> 1. what is the maximum size for a database?

Infinity. (There are instances of databases on the order of 60GB.)

> 2. what is the maximum size for a table?


> 3. what is the maximum size for a row?

8k. This can be changed at compile time, but I think the max is 32k. For
storing larger things there is a large object interface. Also there is a
compressed type of some sort slated to appear in the next release. The
final removal of this restiction is on everybody's wish list, but it
doesn't seem likely to be resolved soon.

> 4. What is the maximum number of rows in a table?


> 5. What is the maximum number of items in a row/table?

What's an item?

> 6. What is the maximun number of indexes to a table;

As many as you want.

> 7. What is the maximum size of an index file?

Not sure this has ever been an issue.

> 8. Can a database be spread over more than one disk drive?
> 9. Can a table be spread over more than one disk drive?
> If the answer to 8 and or 9 is yes, how do I do it?

This is something your file system should take care of; PostgreSQL
won't. Incidentally, I believe that most file systems won't do this, but
something like XFS (SGI) will.

Peter Eisentraut                  Sernanders väg 10:115
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   75262 Uppsala
http://yi.org/peter-e/            Sweden


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