I'm not sure if this will help but I just dealt with a similar problem.
When I tried to do a pg_dump it would fail.  It turned out the culpret
was one single bad value in one row of one table.  Any query that
returned that value would fail also, so I had to go through an
interitive process of select statements to identify the offending row.
Once I found it, I was able to delete the row, and everything worked

Hope that helps, it was a bear of a problem for me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Ma
Sent: 2/19/00 1:41 PM
Subject: [ADMIN] Can NOT dump db with 6.4.2's pg_dumpall


In order to upgrade from 6.4.2 to 6.5.2, I tried to dump my db by typing

[postgres@redhat60 pgsql]$ pg_dumpall -z > db.out

Instead of getting a dump file, I got the following message.

pg_dump: The -z option(dump ACLs) is now the default, continuing.
SET TRANSACTION command failed.  Explanation from backend: 'ERROR: 
parser: parse error at or near "transaction"
pg_dump failed on cqn, exiting

My working platform is: RedHat Linux 6.0 with kernel 2.2.5-22 on a P-200
machine with 49M RAM.

Can anybody help?  Thanks in advance.




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