"Walter M. Yuan" wrote:
> A quick question on the "dump/initdb/restore" cycle: I don't think that it
> works that well, at least from my recent experience. With just a small db
> (approx 2MB of dumped size), I failed to use restore as it ran out of
> query buffer. Instead, I had to import the schemas first and then load
> each table (or sub-table) separately. Quite few people suggested me to use
> either pg_lo or upgrade to the beta-7.0 (where query length is no longer
> limited to 2 block-size)... I just want to confirm w/ you on this, thanks.

Yes, this can sometimes be a real problem.  Although I've not had it
reported very often -- and for the 6.5.x to 7.0 transition, we'll be
able to use pg_upgrade (yay!).  This causes problems with everybody --
and I'm so glad it is fixed for 7.0.

> btw, for the regression test, I can't find the makefile.global which is
> required to compile the executables. Did I miss sth? Thanks again.

The executables are precompiled in the postgresql-test RPM.  Simply cd
to /usr/lib/pgsql/test/regress, su to postgres, make sure postmaster is
running, and './regress.sh platform'  Make is not required to run
regression in the RPM distribution.

Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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