
I have a little problem but it's very important for us.

I use a diskless server with RedHat and two stations for now. I use
Flagship to compile the programs in clipper and SQLkit_pg to comunicate
with postgresql.

Everything is ok until I run the application in two stations. They start
fine, but after some minutes they stop for a few seconds, I use the
command top for monitoring the process and on that moment the postmaster
disappears. Later they continue with the process and the postmaster
appears again.

When I run just one station, don't have this problem.

  Architecture        :    Pentium II
  Memory              :    64Mb
  Operating System    :    RedHat 6.2
  PostgreSQL version  :    7.0.3-2
  Compiler used       :    FlagShip-4.48-7451
  Others              :    FS2tools-4.48-7451

Client - Diskless
  Memory              : 16Mb
  Architecture        : Pentium
  Printer             : TM930 Paralell Port

My database is 268 Mb, 60 tables, the largest table has about 181659
rows and 46 columns. I'm using index in each table.

Can you help me, please ???



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