> i just upgraded my database system from 7.0.3 to 7.1 ... i
> did a dumpall and psql -f dump.sql to the new db. the data
> is in place correctly and its running fine. but as soon as
> i put the connections back on to the db the load raised to
> 6. prior to the upgrade the system load was an 0.3 ...
> now it is at 6.
> is this normal for 7.1 to need so much more hardware? i use
> the same settings for sort_mem, buffers, etc. just no fsync.
> I thought 7.1 wouldn't need that anymore.

7.1 requires fsync! fsync-s are just much more optimized there.

> Any suggestions that i should do? the performance is really bad now :(

What kind of queries have bad performance now?
For insert/update/delete queries you could consider increasing
wal_buffers (~256) and wal_files (~16).


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