
I think I'm closer than yesterday to solving my troubles, but still need
some help (remember I couldn't start pg_dump from DOS' command line? well,
I still can't....).

As I couldn't what I was trying to, I tried to connect to Postgres via psql
(from the command line) and I got the message:

connectDB() -- connect() failed: No such file or directory
Is the postmaster running at 'localhost' and accepting connections on Unix
socket '5432'?

I figured that, although through Windows clients everything works fine,
maybe from the command line it's not recognizing where Postgres is. Maybe,
I missed some configuration parameter or something else (TCP/IP perhaps....
what's pg_hba.conf for? How can I change it?)

Can anyone of you, please, give me some advice? I'm getting crazy! My boss
will eat my liver, if I don't have this thing fixed right away!!!!

Thanks in advance, for your patience.

Regards from Brazil


A last question: Is there anybody in this crazy world as innocent as myself
using Postgres & Windows?

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