
>> Hi ! 
>> I have small problem 
>> amount size all databases ~5Gb
>> I make dumpall >dumpfile 
>> when size dumpfile = 1024 dumpall print error and exit !
>> Linux Slackware7.2 ext2 2.4.17 gcc2.95
WH>                                    ^^^
WH> I think ext2 can't support file larger then 2G,
WH> and your DB may be near 5Gb, so it's a problem.

I think the problem here is in kernel 2.4.17 ..
I had a problem with 2.4.11 kernel when i tried
to mke2fs a partition > 2 Gb in size ... mke2fs died with a message:
"file size exceeded" ...  The solution was to log in directly with
root ...

The problem lies in bash ulimits, AFAIR

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