Related question regarding this config file and some other suggestions in this
thread. I have a similar configuration that I'm constantly tuning based on my
experience and comments I read in various places. So far, based on what I
"learned" these parameters would seem way to high for 1GB configuration - as I
read these settings, we give approx. 120MB of shared memory to pg and up to
32MB of RAM (for sort memory) to each of the backends - up to 128 here. Doing
the math gives us the max of 4GB if we had all the connections use all the
allowed sort memory (actually, we only need around 24 connections to take
advantage of all 32MB allowed and we will probably hit the physical memory
limit). I saw some suggestions that these numbers should be even higher. 
Am I wrong in my thinking? Please correct me, since I may be tuning my server
completely wrong.



> postgresql.conf:
> #       Connection Parameters
> #
> tcpip_socket = true
> #ssl = false
> max_connections = 128 # 1-1024
> #port = 5432
> #hostname_lookup = false
> #show_source_port = false
> #unix_socket_directory = ''
> #unix_socket_group = ''
> #unix_socket_permissions = 0777
> #virtual_host = ''
> #krb_server_keyfile = ''
> #
> #       Performance
> #
> sort_mem = 32168
> shared_buffers = 15200 # min 16
> fsync = true

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