On Sunday 17 February 2002 08:36 pm, Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
> # rpm --rebuild --define 'newintarray 1' postgresql-7.2-1PGDG.src.rpm
> does not work with the patch program (2.5) supplied by default with
> RH6.2.

> one must upgrade it to compile was that so?

Yes, the patch shipped with the source RPM's doesn't work properly on Red 
Hat6.2.  Once I get another machine running RH6.2 I'll correct that problem.  
Installing RH 6.2 on my old (and dirt cheap) SPARCclassic right now..... But 
it might be a couple of weeks before I get it distributed, depending upon my 
workload (the next two weeks are the busiest two weeks of my work year.....).
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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