
The background info:

Debian 2.4.14 on both source & destination boxes
PostgreSQL 7.1.3 on source
PostgreSQL 7.2.1-2 on destination

We are testing 7.2 with our application by installing it on a separate box &
accessing it via the network. The 7.2 install is just a plain vanilla
install using the Debian package which went well. (Well done, as usual

The export of data from the old system was simply a pg_dumpall, and the
import was a load of the dump file using psql and an empty newly created

The load returned two errors that I don't understand:

ERROR:  DefineIndex: index function must be marked iscachable

unfortunately, I don't know which line of the dumpfile we were on when this
occurred, but It only happened once, and the only indexes I can think of
that might be different from the rest are functional indexes. One of them is
an index on upper(field), and the other is based on a function defined in
psql that uses the translate function.

ERROR:  cannot find attribute 1 of relation schedule_notification_log
ERROR:  cannot find attribute 1 of relation schedule_notification_log

We got this one twice, just as shown above. When I do a \d
schedule_notification_log, I get this result:
develop=# \d schedule_notification_log
Table "schedule_notification_log"
 Column | Type | Modifiers

Other than these errors, the data migration went very smoothly, and our
applications have functioned at least partially without modification. We
haven't been able to test thoroughly yet, because a few queries are very
slow, and the second error above seems to keep vacuum analyze from running
as well.

Any thoughts on these errors are appreciated.



Nick Fankhauser  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone 1.765.935.4283  Fax 1.765.962.9788
Ray Ontko & Co.     Software Consulting Services     http://www.ontko.com/

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