i'm getting further, i think.

i dropped and created the new sequence.  i don't think i had to set 
the current value, because currval returned 
submissions_submission_id_seq.currval is not yet defined in this 
session [this database isn't on a production server at the moment]

now i get a new error:

>  pg_dumpall > bigdump
dumpSequence(website_suggest_id_seq): 0 (!= 1) tuples returned by SELECT
pg_dump failed on immedia2002, exiting

ok, so 0 isn't 1.  is there anything i can do about this one?


At 11:38 PM -0400 9/27/02, Tom Lane wrote:
>Willy Wonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>  i don't know what my brother has been doing on the other end, but
>>  pg_dumpall now returns this:
>  > SELECT nextval ('"art_links_id_seq"');
>  > dumpSequence(submissions_submission_id_seq): different sequence name
>>  returned by SELECT: submissions_n_submission_id_seq
>What he's been doing is renaming sequences ... pg_dump doesn't like
>that, for no particularly good reason :-(.  (This gratuitous failure
>is gone in 7.3, but that doesn't help you much today.)  I'd suggest
>dropping and recreating the sequence, then using setval() to set its
>current value correctly.  Then you should be able to pg_dump.
>                       regards, tom lane

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