Hi all, 

I have searched through the archives but after 2 days
of trying, I still cannot figure out how to get
postgres permissions to work the way I need them to. 

What I am trying to do is setup Postgresql on a Linux
server so that users can connect from anywhere on the
subnet and edit tables that they themselves have
created.  I then want other users to be able to access
these tables as a 'guest' using the password

At the moment, I have,

  host all  xxx.x.242.0 ident sameuser

in the pg_hda.conf file so that anyone on the subnet
can access any table.  Given that all users creating
databases and making tables in the database have unix
accounts, the 'ident sameuser' authentication is fine.
 Alas, how do I go about creating a user that only has
'readonly' access to the databases/tables?  Many users
will need to read the tables in a given database but I
don't want them to be able to modify the database in
any way (i.e. nothing other than select statements).

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