On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 11:01, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Will LaShell wrote:
> > Hrmm, this is kind of sad. rserv actually does work pretty well. We use
> > it in a production environment here at OFS on a medium size database
> > cluster.
> I think you are the first person taht I've seen that has admit'd to using
> it ... other then a few 'build related' issues, I've never seen anyone do
> anything with it ...

Odd, for a lot of uses at least up to pg version 7.2 it just works well.

> > The biggest issue we had was when we created replication id's to use was
> > that we used bigint field type for the id. Which as we all know suck
> > rocks to use in postgres. Once we specifically cast the field to let it
> > use the index the whole thing just magically worked nice and fast. Note
> > that it did work before it just worked a whole lot slower.
> >
> > What problems have been reported with 7.3?
> The biggest one I've heard: documentation sucks

This truely is an issue, the documentation can be painful, however in
reality there is very little to do with it. Run the master / slave setup
add the tables,  and run the replicate.  I think perhaps the greatest
documentation work could be done in terms of setup examples, and more
explanation of the arguments to the various scripts.

> > Additionally, aren't the eRserver maintainers in theory releasing
> > updates to rserv every year or so? ( At least that's what has been said
> > in the past. )
> Actually, eRServer right now is nowhere near what you are using right now
> ... over the past few months, its been re-written in Java and is now
> multi-slave ... I got my first "live" experience with it this past
> weekend (I did alot of work on the new perl scripts for administrative,
> but never had time to actually get it live) ... we used PgMarket as a
> 'test' case for a demo, and setup consisted of:
> ./ers_setup <args> (sets up master and initial slave)
> and a foreach loop based on a psql -l on the database to run:
> ./ers_addtable <tablename>
> The servers were configured so that if you pull'd the plug out of the
> master server, everything auto-fail'd over to the slave, so that it was
> transparent to anyone hitting the site ... we even had the web servers
> themselves in a failover state ...
This is excellent! Now the real question is when will we see this type
of functionality released back into the community, or will there be no
future updates of rserv at all? Or?


Will LaShell

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