On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 15:04, Matias Monteverde wrote:
> Dear list:
>          I need to move all databases from one fiscal server to other,
> but, the
> main problem I have is: I can't dump databases, for internal problems
> from hdd. My question is, so, how can rescue all databases in 'cp
> command' way in posgresql version 7.0 ?
>         Needing to know: 
>         I copy /usr/local/pgsql/data/base.
> Any help will be great.

If your not upgrading versions, I feel this should work. If you are
upgrading version, I'm less optimistic but wouldn't rule it out untill
it was tried. In either case, make sure to shutdown your database first;
copied files on a live database are almost sure to have issues.

Robert Treat 

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