You are not transparent, although you do seem to be somewhat sensitive. I saw at least one posting from you that was answered by 2 different people.

If you got no answers to your questions, it may be that:
- nobody who knew the answer saw your posting (there are lots of postings, and not many people with all the answers
- nobody who knew the answer had time to deal with your question
- nobody knew the answer
- the answer is in the standard documentation, so nobody bothered to answer
- the question is not relevant to this newsgroup

If I were you, I would:
- re-submit the question after a week or so
- change the title of the email to be "interesting" (you are trying to get people's attention); keep it short and make sure it makes sense
- make sure each question is as simple as possible (it's better to ask 2 simple questions, than 1 complicated question)
- check the standard docs. (installation how-to's, online docs, FAQs, etc)
- make sure you are posting to the right group; you may get answers even if you are off track (i.e. asking the wrong group), but it's less likely

Mendola Gaetano wrote:

Hi all, I fell myself trasparent, I did some post last week ( I think of common interest ) and no one reply.
May be my english is very poor or I wrote some think
wrong in the past weeks, if is so I apologize myself.

Regards Gaetano

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

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